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H. sapiens

Number of Interactions

111 / 146

Average Interaction Score



Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.51 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Mitochondrion Mitochondrion (GO:0005739) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.7 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoskeleton (GO:0005856) 0.51 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Cilium (GO:0005929) 0.956 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Membrane Cilium membrane (GO:0060170) 0.956 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.956 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.956 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

First-Neighbour Network Visualization

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Edge-widths are proportional to the respective Interaction Score.


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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Nucleoporin NDC1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.992 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear envelope (GO:0005635) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear pore (GO:0005643) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus NDC1 complex (GO:0070762) 1 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Cytosol Spindle pole body (GO:0005816) 0.992 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Cytosol Actin cytoskeleton (GO:0015629) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Actin cytoskeleton (GO:0015629) 0.992 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.996 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.996 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.996 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.996 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.996 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Acetyl-coenzyme A transporter 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Endomembrane system (GO:0012505) 0.8 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Mitochondrion Mitochondrion (GO:0005739) 0.7 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.98 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.98 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.98 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi membrane (GO:0000139) 0.98 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.98 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.98 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.98 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Membrane Integral to plasma membrane (GO:0005887) 0.98 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details



Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.94 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.94 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.973 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.973 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 0.973 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Rough endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0030867) 0.8 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Membrane Neuron projection terminus (GO:0044306) 0.991 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Membrane Axon (GO:0030424) 0.991 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.991 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.991 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Synapse (GO:0045202) 0.991 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

B-cell receptor-associated protein 31


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Lipid particle (GO:0005811) 0.972 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.972 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0097038) 0.972 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Mitochondrion Mitochondrion (GO:0005739) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.8 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Sec61 translocon complex (GO:0005784) 1 Predicted: inferred from physical interaction GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Integral to lumenal side of endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0071556) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment membrane (GO:0033116) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi cisterna membrane (GO:0032580) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Clathrin-coated vesicle (GO:0030136) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.992 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.992 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.992 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Membrane Integral to plasma membrane (GO:0005887) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Lamin-B receptor


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Endomembrane system (GO:0012505) 0.96 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Integral to nuclear inner membrane (GO:0005639) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Integral to nuclear inner membrane (GO:0005639) 1 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear envelope (GO:0005635) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.91 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Integral to endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0030176) 0.91 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.972 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.972 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.972 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Organelle inner membrane (GO:0019866) 0.96 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Membrane-associated progesterone receptor component 2


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear envelope (GO:0005635) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear body (GO:0016604) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.7 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.987 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.987 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.987 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.987 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Serine/threonine-protein kinase VRK2


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.94 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.94 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Mitochondrion Mitochondrial membrane (GO:0031966) 0.8 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Macromolecular complex (GO:0032991) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.992 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.86 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.86 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Actin-related protein 2


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.94 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.94 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Azurophil granule lumen (GO:0035578) 0.3 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoskeleton (GO:0005856) 1 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Cytosol Arp2/3 protein complex (GO:0005885) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Actin cap (GO:0030478) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Actin cytoskeleton (GO:0015629) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Membrane Lamellipodium (GO:0030027) 0.966 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Invadopodium (GO:0071437) 0.966 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Postsynaptic density (GO:0014069) 0.966 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.86 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.86 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.966 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.966 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Cytosol Extracellular vesicular exosome (GO:0070062) 1 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Focal adhesion (GO:0005925) 0.966 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP8


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.996 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.996 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.996 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.996 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Mitochondrion Mitochondrion (GO:0005739) 0.972 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Mitochondrion Mitochondrion (GO:0005739) 0.972 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Mitochondrion Mitochondrial membrane (GO:0031966) 0.972 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Macromolecular complex (GO:0032991) 0.8 Experimental: inferred from mutant phenotype GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.972 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.972 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Integral to endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0030176) 0.972 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.79 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.958 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.958 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.958 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.8 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.998 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.998 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Early endosome (GO:0005769) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.96 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Renin receptor


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cell body (GO:0044297) 0.51 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Mitochondrion Mitochondrion (GO:0005739) 0.7 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Tertiary granule membrane (GO:0070821) 0.3 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Membrane Neuron projection (GO:0043005) 0.986 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.986 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.986 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.986 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Membrane External side of plasma membrane (GO:0009897) 0.986 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Extracellular vesicular exosome (GO:0070062) 0.51 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details



Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Endomembrane system (GO:0012505) 0.994 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.994 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear outer membrane (GO:0005640) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear inner membrane (GO:0005637) 1 Unknown: non-traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear envelope (GO:0005635) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.992 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Cortical endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0032541) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Spindle pole centrosome (GO:0031616) 0.994 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Microtubule (GO:0005874) 0.994 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.902 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.902 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.902 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details



Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.86 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment membrane (GO:0033116) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi membrane (GO:0000139) 1 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway ER to Golgi transport vesicle membrane (GO:0012507) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.958 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.958 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Membrane SNARE complex (GO:0031201) 0.958 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Vesicle (GO:0031982) 0.86 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details



Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Junctional membrane complex (GO:0030314) 0.931 Unknown: non-traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0014701) 0.931 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.992 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.94 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.94 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Z disc (GO:0030018) 0.931 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoskeleton (GO:0005856) 0.931 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.902 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.902 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.902 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

V-type proton ATPase subunit S1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.972 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.931 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.931 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment membrane (GO:0033116) 0.931 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endosome membrane (GO:0010008) 0.931 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Microtubule cytoskeleton (GO:0015630) 0.972 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.999 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.999 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex (GO:0016469) 0.999 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Membrane Proton-transporting two-sector ATPase complex (GO:0016469) 0.999 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Membrane Proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V1 domain (GO:0033180) 0.999 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.999 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.999 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Extracellular vesicular exosome (GO:0070062) 0.972 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details



Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.988 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.988 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.988 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.79 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Acrosomal vesicle (GO:0001669) 0.79 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.897 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.897 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.897 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Adherens junction (GO:0005912) 0.897 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Signal recognition particle receptor subunit beta


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.987 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.987 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Signal recognition particle receptor complex (GO:0005785) 0.987 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.987 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasmic microtubule (GO:0005881) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.994 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.994 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.994 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.994 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Stromal interaction molecule 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0033017) 0.86 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.999 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Cortical endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0032541) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.999 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Integral to endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0030176) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Microtubule (GO:0005874) 0.86 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.998 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.998 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Membrane Integral to plasma membrane (GO:0005887) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Calcium signal-modulating cyclophilin ligand


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleolus (GO:0005730) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.96 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.902 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.902 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.902 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Sterol O-acyltransferase 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Mitochondrion Mitochondrion (GO:0005739) 0.8 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.958 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.958 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.958 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA ligase 3


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Lipid particle (GO:0005811) 0.994 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Lipid particle (GO:0005811) 0.994 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Perinuclear region of cytoplasm (GO:0048471) 0.994 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Mitochondrion Mitochondrial outer membrane (GO:0005741) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleolus (GO:0005730) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.972 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.972 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.972 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Peroxisomal membrane (GO:0005778) 0.994 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.853 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.853 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.853 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

NADPH--cytochrome P450 reductase


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.992 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231) 0.992 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Mitochondrion Mitochondrion (GO:0005739) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.987 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.987 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.987 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.987 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.853 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.853 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.853 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Nuclear pore complex protein Nup155


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear envelope (GO:0005635) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear pore inner ring (GO:0044611) 1 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.86 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.86 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Neuron projection (GO:0043005) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Postsynaptic density (GO:0014069) 1 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 1 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 1 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 1 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to plasma membrane (GO:0005887) 1 Experimental: inferred from mutant phenotype GO PubMed 
Membrane Presynaptic membrane (GO:0042734) 1 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Cytoskeleton-associated protein 4


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Lipid particle (GO:0005811) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.999 Unknown: unspecified method The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Perinuclear region of cytoplasm (GO:0048471) 0.999 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.958 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear speck (GO:0016607) 0.958 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear speck (GO:0016607) 0.958 Unknown: unspecified method The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.986 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Rough endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005791) 0.986 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum lumen (GO:0005788) 0.986 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.986 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Lamellar body (GO:0042599) 0.986 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoskeleton (GO:0005856) 0.999 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.96 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular matrix (GO:0031012) 0.96 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.657 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.657 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.657 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Extracellular vesicular exosome (GO:0070062) 0.999 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 47


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.7 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.7 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.972 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.972 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Rough endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005791) 0.972 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.902 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.902 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.902 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Endomembrane system (GO:0012505) 0.96 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Rough endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005791) 1 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Oligosaccharyltransferase complex (GO:0008250) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Melanosome (GO:0042470) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.96 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular matrix (GO:0031012) 0.96 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.902 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.902 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.902 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Thioredoxin-related transmembrane protein 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Endomembrane system (GO:0012505) 0.8 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleolus (GO:0005730) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.86 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.86 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Threonylcarbamoyladenosine tRNA methylthiotransferase


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.79 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231) 0.79 Unknown: unspecified method The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Mitochondrion Mitochondrion (GO:0005739) 0.7 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.853 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Rough endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005791) 0.853 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.853 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.853 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.853 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.853 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Protein LMBR1L


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.992 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to plasma membrane (GO:0005887) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Torsin-1A-interacting protein 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear inner membrane (GO:0005637) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.86 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.86 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Prolactin regulatory element-binding protein


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.998 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.998 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.998 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.999 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.999 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum exit site (GO:0070971) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.999 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Integral to endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0030176) 0.999 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi membrane (GO:0000139) 0.999 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.86 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.86 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Sec1 family domain-containing protein 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.992 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.992 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.992 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.992 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.94 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.94 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.997 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.997 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi cisterna membrane (GO:0032580) 0.997 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi transport complex (GO:0017119) 0.997 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi-associated vesicle (GO:0005798) 0.997 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Cis-Golgi network (GO:0005801) 0.997 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.7 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Signal peptidase complex catalytic subunit SEC11A


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.987 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.987 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Signal peptidase complex (GO:0005787) 0.987 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.987 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoskeleton (GO:0005856) 0.86 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Organelle membrane (GO:0031090) 0.86 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Vang-like protein 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.98 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.98 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.98 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Membrane Lateral plasma membrane (GO:0016328) 0.98 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 4


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.996 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.996 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.996 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi membrane (GO:0000139) 0.996 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Trans-Golgi network (GO:0005802) 0.996 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Suppressor of tumorigenicity 7 protein


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.7 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM13


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.94 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0097038) 0.94 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.7 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.972 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.972 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum quality control compartment (GO:0044322) 0.972 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit STT3B


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.998 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.998 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Oligosaccharyltransferase complex (GO:0008250) 0.998 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.971 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.971 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.971 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.971 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Stress-induced-phosphoprotein 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Membrane Myelin sheath (GO:0043209) 0.86 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.998 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.998 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.998 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.998 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.998 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Macromolecular complex (GO:0032991) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.3 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.86 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 2


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.981 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.981 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.981 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Microtubule (GO:0005874) 0.981 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Membrane Dendrite (GO:0030425) 0.91 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Membrane Axon (GO:0030424) 0.91 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

14-3-3 protein eta


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Mitochondrion Mitochondrion (GO:0005739) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.8 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoskeleton (GO:0005856) 1 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.86 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Extracellular vesicular exosome (GO:0070062) 1 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Intercalated disc (GO:0014704) 0.86 Unknown: inferred by curator GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Translocation protein SEC63 homolog


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.3 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.994 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.994 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.994 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.994 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Integral to endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0030176) 0.994 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.94 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.94 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Chloride channel CLIC-like protein 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231) 0.8 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.994 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.994 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.994 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.994 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.853 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.853 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Chloride channel complex (GO:0034707) 0.853 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Extended synaptotagmin-1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.994 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.994 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.994 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Integral to endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0030176) 0.994 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.902 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.902 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.902 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Organelle membrane contact site (GO:0044232) 0.7 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Heme oxygenase 2


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.987 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.987 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.987 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.987 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.86 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.86 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Phospholipase D3


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Mitochondrion Mitochondrion (GO:0005739) 0.7 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Extracellular vesicular exosome (GO:0070062) 0.3 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Signal peptidase complex subunit 2


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.937 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.937 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Signal peptidase complex (GO:0005787) 0.937 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Organelle membrane (GO:0031090) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Barrier-to-autointegration factor


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.998 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.998 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear envelope (GO:0005635) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Chromosome (GO:0005694) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Protein SGT1 homolog


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Ubiquitin ligase complex (GO:0000151) 0.998 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Ubiquitin ligase complex (GO:0000151) 0.998 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.998 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.998 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.998 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.998 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.999 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.999 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.999 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Macromolecular complex (GO:0032991) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Chromosome (GO:0005694) 0.999 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Nucleus Kinetochore (GO:0000776) 0.999 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Transmembrane protein 199


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.994 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.994 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment membrane (GO:0033116) 0.994 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway COPI coated vesicle membrane (GO:0030663) 0.994 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex (GO:0016471) 0.86 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Lysosome (GO:0005764) 0.86 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.86 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.86 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Magnesium transporter protein 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Secretory pathway (GO:secretory_pathway) 1 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Oligosaccharyltransferase complex (GO:0008250) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.931 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.931 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.931 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to plasma membrane (GO:0005887) 0.931 Unknown: non-traceable author statement GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Dehydrogenase/reductase SDR family member 7


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Secretory pathway (GO:secretory_pathway) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Mitochondrion Mitochondrion (GO:0005739) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.3 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 J1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.7 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.958 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.958 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.958 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.86 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.86 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 7


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoskeleton (GO:0005856) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.3 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Cytosol Extracellular vesicular exosome (GO:0070062) 1 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Sterol-4-alpha-carboxylate 3-dehydrogenase, decarboxylating


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.996 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Lipid particle (GO:0005811) 0.996 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Lipid particle (GO:0005811) 0.996 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.998 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.998 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.998 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.998 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Peroxisome (GO:0005777) 0.996 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.972 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231) 0.972 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.958 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.958 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.958 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Peroxisomal membrane (GO:0005778) 0.972 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Vacuolar ATPase assembly integral membrane protein VMA21


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.986 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.986 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment membrane (GO:0033116) 0.986 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endosome (GO:0005768) 0.986 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Cytosol Lysosome (GO:0005764) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Lysosome (GO:0005764) 0.96 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Secretory-pathway ER to Golgi transport vesicle membrane (GO:0012507) 0.986 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Protein THEM6


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Secretory pathway (GO:secretory_pathway) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear speck (GO:0016607) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Signal recognition particle receptor subunit alpha


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Secretory pathway (GO:secretory_pathway) 0.997 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Endomembrane system (GO:0012505) 0.86 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.997 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.997 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.997 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Signal recognition particle receptor complex (GO:0005785) 0.997 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.997 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.8 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Extracellular vesicular exosome (GO:0070062) 0.86 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Fibronectin type-III domain-containing protein 3A


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.51 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.98 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.98 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi membrane (GO:0000139) 0.98 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Acrosomal vesicle (GO:0001669) 0.98 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.853 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.853 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.853 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Vesicle membrane (GO:0012506) 0.51 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

NudC domain-containing protein 3


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.996 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.996 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.996 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasmic dynein complex (GO:0005868) 0.996 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

UBX domain-containing protein 4


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.8 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear envelope (GO:0005635) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.972 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.972 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.972 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Mannosyl-oligosaccharide glucosidase


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.999 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.999 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.999 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.999 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.999 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.853 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.853 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.853 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Extracellular vesicular exosome (GO:0070062) 0.3 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Secretory pathway (GO:secretory_pathway) 0.997 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.997 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.997 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.997 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.997 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.853 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.853 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.853 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Cytosol Organelle membrane (GO:0031090) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Protein transport protein Sec24B


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.996 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.996 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.996 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231) 0.996 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.94 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.94 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.931 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi membrane (GO:0000139) 0.931 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway ER to Golgi transport vesicle membrane (GO:0012507) 0.931 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway COPII vesicle coat (GO:0030127) 0.931 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Ankyrin repeat and LEM domain-containing protein 2


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Secretory pathway (GO:secretory_pathway) 0.992 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.992 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.992 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Integral to endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0030176) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.86 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.86 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Torsin-1A-interacting protein 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.96 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Rab-like protein 3


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.91 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.91 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.7 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.7 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 4


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

PREB protein


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal accessory protein 1, isoform CRA_c


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Microtubule cytoskeleton (GO:0015630) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Golgi resident protein GCP60


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Mitochondrion Mitochondrion (GO:0005739) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.992 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi membrane (GO:0000139) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.3 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Glycogen [starch] synthase, muscle


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Inclusion body (GO:0016234) 0.994 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.994 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.994 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.994 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Microtubule cytoskeleton (GO:0015630) 0.994 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.3 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Uncharacterized protein DKFZp779I2251


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoskeleton (GO:0005856) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

JPH1 protein


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoskeleton (GO:0005856) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 9


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Intracellular (GO:0005622) 0.999 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.999 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol SMAD protein complex (GO:0071141) 0.999 Unknown: non-traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.999 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.999 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.999 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.999 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Transcription factor complex (GO:0005667) 0.999 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CHIP


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Ubiquitin ligase complex (GO:0000151) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme complex (GO:0031371) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.998 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear inclusion body (GO:0042405) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.998 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.8 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Z disc (GO:0030018) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Carbohydrate-responsive element-binding protein


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.94 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.94 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Transcription factor complex (GO:0005667) 1 Unknown: non-traceable author statement GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Protein unc-45 homolog A


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.999 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Perinuclear region of cytoplasm (GO:0048471) 0.999 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear speck (GO:0016607) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear speck (GO:0016607) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.8 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Nuclear migration protein nudC


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.958 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.958 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.958 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoskeleton (GO:0005856) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Microtubule (GO:0005874) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Vesicle (GO:0031982) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

NudC domain-containing protein 2


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Intracellular (GO:0005622) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.998 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.998 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.998 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.958 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.958 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Spindle pole (GO:0000922) 0.998 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Microtubule organizing center (GO:0005815) 0.998 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Condensed chromosome kinetochore (GO:0000777) 0.958 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details



Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cullin-RING ubiquitin ligase complex (GO:0031461) 1 Predicted: inferred from physical interaction GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cul3-RING ubiquitin ligase complex (GO:0031463) 1 Predicted: inferred from physical interaction GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cul2-RING ubiquitin ligase complex (GO:0031462) 1 Predicted: inferred from physical interaction GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cul4A-RING ubiquitin ligase complex (GO:0031464) 1 Predicted: inferred from physical interaction GO PubMed 
Cytosol Intracellular (GO:0005622) 1 Unknown: non-traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.94 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.94 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

ER membrane protein complex subunit 2


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.8 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.958 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.958 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.958 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway ER membrane protein complex (GO:0072546) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Signal peptidase complex subunit 3


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Secretory pathway (GO:secretory_pathway) 1 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Signal peptidase complex (GO:0005787) 1 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Organelle membrane (GO:0031090) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Magnesium transporter protein 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 

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(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Signal recognition particle receptor beta subunit


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Isochorismatase domain-containing protein 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231) 0.999 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Peroxisome (GO:0005777) 0.999 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.992 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.992 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Peroxisomal membrane (GO:0005778) 0.992 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Putative signal peptidase complex catalytic subunit SEC11B


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Signal peptidase complex (GO:0005787) 0.7 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details



Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.999 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Melanosome (GO:0042470) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Neuron projection (GO:0043005) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Extracellular vesicular exosome (GO:0070062) 0.999 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

DDRGK domain-containing protein 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Secretory pathway (GO:secretory_pathway) 0.998 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.3 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleolus (GO:0005730) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleolus (GO:0005730) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.998 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Glucosidase I


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.7 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Signal peptidase complex catalytic subunit SEC11


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Vang-like protein


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 

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(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Peptidylprolyl isomerase


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Peptidylprolyl isomerase


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 

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(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Rab-like protein 3


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Signal peptidase complex catalytic subunit SEC11A


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Acetyl-coenzyme A transporter 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Nuclear pore complex protein Nup155


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

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(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Hsp90 co-chaperone Cdc37


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Extracellular vesicular exosome (GO:0070062) 1 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Hsp70-binding protein 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.996 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.996 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.996 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231) 0.996 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Heme oxygenase 2


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details



Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Homo sapiens clone CDABP0046 mRNA sequence


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Prolactin regulatory element-binding protein


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details



Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Secretory pathway (GO:secretory_pathway) 0.94 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.94 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:


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ComPPI is published in Nucleic Acids Research Database Issue 2015