Protein Hook homolog 1    //   UniProt Profile 

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H. sapiens

Number of Interactions

50 / 70

Average Interaction Score



Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol FHF complex (GO:0070695) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol HOPS complex (GO:0030897) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoskeleton (GO:0005856) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Centrosome (GO:0005813) 1 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Cytosol Microtubule (GO:0005874) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

First-Neighbour Network Visualization

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The first-neighbour network shows the interaction map after the filtration (if there was any).
Edge-widths are proportional to the respective Interaction Score.


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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Transitional endoplasmic reticulum ATPase


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Membrane Myelin sheath (GO:0043209) 0.86 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Lipid particle (GO:0005811) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasmic stress granule (GO:0010494) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Proteasome complex (GO:0000502) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Perinuclear region of cytoplasm (GO:0048471) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231) 1 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Macromolecular complex (GO:0032991) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.994 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum membrane (GO:0005789) 0.994 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Cdc48p-Npl4p-Ufd1p AAA ATPase complex (GO:0034098) 0.994 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Secretory granule lumen (GO:0034774) 0.994 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Azurophil granule lumen (GO:0035578) 0.994 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Site of double-strand break (GO:0035861) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.3 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.86 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Cytosol Extracellular vesicular exosome (GO:0070062) 1 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Protein Hook homolog 2


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol FHF complex (GO:0070695) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.7 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol HOPS complex (GO:0030897) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Centrosome (GO:0005813) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Microtubule (GO:0005874) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Protein Hook homolog 3


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Endomembrane system (GO:0012505) 1 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol FHF complex (GO:0070695) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.992 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.992 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Cis-Golgi network (GO:0005801) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol HOPS complex (GO:0030897) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Microtubule organizing center (GO:0005815) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Pericentriolar material (GO:0000242) 1 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Cytosol Centrosome (GO:0005813) 1 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Cytosol Centriolar satellite (GO:0034451) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Microtubule (GO:0005874) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:

PubMed , PubMed 


Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Cell division cycle protein 16 homolog


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.958 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.958 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Anaphase-promoting complex (GO:0005680) 0.958 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoskeleton (GO:0005856) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoskeleton (GO:0005856) 1 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Cytosol Spindle (GO:0005819) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Spindle microtubule (GO:0005876) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Centrosome (GO:0005813) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Protein FAM161A


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Membrane Photoreceptor inner segment (GO:0001917) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Astral microtubule (GO:0000235) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Mitotic spindle (GO:0072686) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Spindle microtubule (GO:0005876) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Mitotic spindle pole (GO:0097431) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cilium basal body (GO:0036064) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Centrosome (GO:0005813) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Membrane Photoreceptor connecting cilium (GO:0032391) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 18 homolog


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endosome (GO:0005768) 0.99 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Early endosome (GO:0005769) 0.99 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Late endosome membrane (GO:0031902) 0.99 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Late endosome (GO:0005770) 0.99 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway CORVET complex (GO:0033263) 0.99 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Autophagic vacuole (GO:0005776) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol HOPS complex (GO:0030897) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Lysosome (GO:0005764) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Lysosome (GO:0005764) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Lysosomal membrane (GO:0005765) 1 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Clathrin-coated vesicle (GO:0030136) 0.99 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Actin filament (GO:0005884) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.86 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane AP-3 adaptor complex (GO:0030123) 0.86 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details



Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Membrane Cell surface (GO:0009986) 1 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Sarcoplasmic reticulum (GO:0016529) 0.999 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.999 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.902 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783) 0.902 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.902 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Lysosome (GO:0005764) 0.999 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Costamere (GO:0043034) 0.999 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Z disc (GO:0030018) 0.999 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoskeleton (GO:0005856) 0.999 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Cytosol Spectrin-associated cytoskeleton (GO:0014731) 0.999 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Membrane Neuron projection (GO:0043005) 1 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Membrane Dendrite (GO:0030425) 1 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Membrane Node of Ranvier (GO:0033268) 1 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Membrane Initial segment (GO:0043194) 1 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 1 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 1 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Membrane Sarcolemma (GO:0042383) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Membrane T-tubule (GO:0030315) 1 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Membrane Lateral plasma membrane (GO:0016328) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Membrane Basolateral plasma membrane (GO:0016323) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Membrane Basal plasma membrane (GO:0009925) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Membrane Intercalated disc (GO:0014704) 1 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Membrane Tight junction (GO:0005923) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Membrane Neuromuscular junction (GO:0031594) 1 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Membrane Postsynaptic membrane (GO:0045211) 1 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 16 homolog


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Neuronal cell body (GO:0043025) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Recycling endosome (GO:0055037) 0.996 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Early endosome (GO:0005769) 0.996 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Late endosome membrane (GO:0031902) 0.996 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Late endosome (GO:0005770) 0.996 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Autophagic vacuole (GO:0005776) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol HOPS complex (GO:0030897) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Lysosome (GO:0005764) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Lysosomal membrane (GO:0005765) 1 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Clathrin-coated vesicle (GO:0030136) 0.996 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Axon (GO:0030424) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Cyclin-dependent kinase 4


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.999 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Perinuclear region of cytoplasm (GO:0048471) 0.999 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cyclin-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complex (GO:0000307) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleolus (GO:0005730) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleolus (GO:0005730) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Transcription factor complex (GO:0005667) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Chromatin (GO:0000785) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Tight junction (GO:0005923) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

IntAct, BioGRID

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Vam6/Vps39-like protein


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endosome (GO:0005768) 0.96 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Late endosome membrane (GO:0031902) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol HOPS complex (GO:0030897) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Lysosome (GO:0005764) 0.999 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Lysosomal membrane (GO:0005765) 0.999 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.86 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane AP-3 adaptor complex (GO:0030123) 0.86 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase HERC2


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.999 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231) 0.999 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.86 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.86 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Centriole (GO:0005814) 0.999 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.3 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Ankyrin repeat domain-containing protein 23


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.998 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.992 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.992 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Myofibril (GO:0030016) 0.998 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Actin cytoskeleton (GO:0015629) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Actin cytoskeleton (GO:0015629) 0.998 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Membrane Intercalated disc (GO:0014704) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

FTS and Hook-interacting protein


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.997 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.997 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.997 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol FHF complex (GO:0070695) 0.997 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.997 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Mitochondrion Mitochondrion (GO:0005739) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.94 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.94 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Alanyl-tRNA editing protein Aarsd1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.996 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.996 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.996 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.996 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.996 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.86 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 0.86 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Trafficking kinesin-binding protein 2


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Neuronal cell body (GO:0043025) 0.992 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.992 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.992 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Cytosol Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231) 0.992 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Mitochondrion Mitochondrion (GO:0005739) 0.7 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.997 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.997 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.997 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.997 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear body (GO:0016604) 0.997 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Early endosome (GO:0005769) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Dendrite cytoplasm (GO:0032839) 0.971 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Axonal growth cone (GO:0044295) 0.971 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.971 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.971 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

AKT-interacting protein


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.998 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.998 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol FHF complex (GO:0070695) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.998 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol HOPS complex (GO:0030897) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.96 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:

PubMed , PubMed 


Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 41 homolog


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.991 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.991 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.999 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi-associated vesicle (GO:0005798) 0.999 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Early endosome (GO:0005769) 0.999 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Late endosome membrane (GO:0031902) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Endosome membrane (GO:0010008) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway CORVET complex (GO:0033263) 0.999 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Cytosol HOPS complex (GO:0030897) 0.991 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Lysosomal membrane (GO:0005765) 0.991 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Clathrin-coated vesicle (GO:0030136) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Microtubule cytoskeleton (GO:0015630) 0.991 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Clathrin complex (GO:0071439) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Membrane AP-3 adaptor complex (GO:0030123) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 14 homolog C


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Small-subunit processome (GO:0032040) 0.988 Predicted: inferred from biological aspect of ancestor GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.988 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.988 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.998 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.998 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleolus (GO:0005730) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleolus (GO:0005730) 0.998 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


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Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Methanethiol oxidase


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.987 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.987 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.987 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.987 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleolus (GO:0005730) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleolus (GO:0005730) 0.992 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Fibrillar center (GO:0001650) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.86 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular space (GO:0005615) 0.86 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.86 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.86 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Cytosol Extracellular vesicular exosome (GO:0070062) 0.987 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Lambda-crystallin homolog


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.937 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.937 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleolus (GO:0005730) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.94 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.94 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Extracellular vesicular exosome (GO:0070062) 0.937 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Cell division cycle 5-like protein


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Prp19 complex (GO:0000974) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.972 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.972 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Perinuclear region of cytoplasm (GO:0048471) 0.972 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear speck (GO:0016607) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus U2-type catalytic step 2 spliceosome (GO:0071007) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Catalytic step 2 spliceosome (GO:0071013) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus DNA replication factor A complex (GO:0005662) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.3 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Tuftelin-interacting protein 11


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.972 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.972 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.972 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleolus (GO:0005730) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 1 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear speck (GO:0016607) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Spliceosomal complex (GO:0005681) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus U2-type post-mRNA release spliceosomal complex (GO:0071008) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Catalytic step 2 spliceosome (GO:0071013) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear chromosome, telomeric region (GO:0000784) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular matrix (GO:0031012) 0.86 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular matrix (GO:0031012) 0.86 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Thyroid receptor-interacting protein 11


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.79 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.992 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear speck (GO:0016607) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.998 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.998 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi membrane (GO:0000139) 0.998 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Cis-Golgi network (GO:0005801) 0.998 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Inner acrosomal membrane (GO:0002079) 0.998 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Outer acrosomal membrane (GO:0002081) 0.998 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Transport vesicle (GO:0030133) 0.998 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoskeleton (GO:0005856) 0.79 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Cilium (GO:0005929) 0.3 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

IntAct, BioGRID

Interaction Source Publication:

PubMed , PubMed 


Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Zinc finger protein 655


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.94 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.94 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.999 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.999 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleolus (GO:0005730) 0.999 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.999 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Zinc finger protein 35


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cell (GO:0005623) 0.94 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Cytosol Perinuclear region of cytoplasm (GO:0048471) 0.94 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.996 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.996 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.996 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.996 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Hydroperoxide isomerase ALOXE3


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.987 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.987 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.987 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.987 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.94 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.94 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 13B


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Secretory-pathway Secretory pathway (GO:secretory_pathway) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Perinuclear region of cytoplasm (GO:0048471) 0.96 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.994 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.994 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.994 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.994 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular space (GO:0005615) 0.994 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.996 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.996 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.996 Unknown: non-traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.996 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.996 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 2


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.931 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Cytosol Perinuclear region of cytoplasm (GO:0048471) 0.931 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cell cortex (GO:0005938) 0.931 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.937 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.937 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.937 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Centrosome (GO:0005813) 0.931 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.86 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.86 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

TBC1 domain family member 7


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.86 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Cytoplasmic vesicle (GO:0031410) 0.8 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cilium basal body (GO:0036064) 0.86 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

IntAct, BioGRID

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Synaptonemal complex central element protein 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.937 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.937 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.937 Unknown: unspecified method The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.79 Unknown: unspecified method The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Central element (GO:0000801) 0.79 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

IntAct, BioGRID

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details



Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.998 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.998 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.998 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.998 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Transcription factor complex (GO:0005667) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

IntAct, BioGRID

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

CWF19-like protein 2


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.995 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.995 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.995 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear speck (GO:0016607) 0.995 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Geranylgeranyl transferase type-2 subunit beta


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Rab-protein geranylgeranyltransferase complex (GO:0005968) 0.958 Predicted: inferred from sequence or structural similarity GO PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.958 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 
Cytosol Intracellular membrane-bounded organelle (GO:0043231) 0.958 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.79 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.79 Unknown: traceable author statement GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Zinc finger protein 764


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.937 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.937 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.937 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Condensin-2 complex subunit H2


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.998 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.998 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Condensin complex (GO:0000796) 0.998 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Extracellular Extracellular region (GO:0005576) 0.992 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 
Extracellular Intercellular bridge (GO:0045171) 0.992 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Extracellular Intercellular bridge (GO:0045171) 0.992 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Membrane Membrane (GO:0016020) 0.86 Unknown: HDA GO PubMed 
Membrane Cell junction (GO:0030054) 0.86 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Zinc finger protein 572


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.998 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.998 Experimental: experimental Human Proteinpedia PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.998 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear speck (GO:0016607) 0.998 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Leucine-rich repeat-containing protein 29


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.91 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.91 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.3 Unknown: unspecified method The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Zinc finger protein 80


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.958 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.958 Experimental: experimental Organelle PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.958 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Uncharacterized protein C6orf141


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.94 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear membrane (GO:0031965) 0.94 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Crystallin, lambda 1, isoform CRA_c


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleolus (GO:0005730) 0.96 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Secretory-pathway Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Synaptonemal complex central element protein 1


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.79 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Cytosol Cytosol (GO:0005829) 0.79 Unknown: unspecified method The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.3 Unknown: unspecified method The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

E3 SUMO-protein ligase PIAS2


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Predicted: pTarget method LOCATE PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 1 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 1 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear speck (GO:0016607) 1 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus PML body (GO:0016605) 1 Experimental: inferred from direct assay GO PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Zinc finger protein 250


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.992 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.992 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.992 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nuclear speck (GO:0016607) 0.992 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 47


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.987 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.987 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.987 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.987 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Zinc finger protein 785


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.958 Unknown: inferred from electronic annotation GO PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.958 Predicted: PAML algorithm PA-GOSUB PubMed 
Nucleus Nucleoplasm (GO:0005654) 0.958 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 
Membrane Plasma membrane (GO:0005886) 0.8 Experimental: annotated protein expression (APE) The Human Protein Atlas PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:

BioGRID, IntAct

Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot/P) Details

Putative HERC2-like protein 3


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Cytosol Cytoplasm (GO:0005737) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

MEOX2 protein


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.8 Experimental: experimental eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Uncharacterized protein DKFZp686N2317


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Nucleus Nucleus (GO:0005634) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

Tuftelin-interacting protein 11


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Extracellular Extracellular matrix (GO:0031012) 0.8 Experimental: experimental MatrixDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:



Interaction Score


(UniProtKB/TrEmbl/P) Details

RABGGTB protein


Major Localization Minor Localization Localization Score Experiment Type Source Database PubMed ID
Membrane Integral to membrane (GO:0016021) 0.7 Predicted: SVM decision tree eSLDB PubMed 

Interaction Source Database:


Interaction Source Publication:


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ComPPI is published in Nucleic Acids Research Database Issue 2015